Economy & Jobs

Economy & Jobs

I am a pro-growth conservative who believes that low taxes and regulations lead to greater opportunity and job growth. It is critical that we don't allow government red tape to hinder our global competitiveness. In Congress, I will vote to cut wasteful government spending and streamline our tax code to create incentivizes for all businesses to hire more workers and invest in America. Some of my efforts include:

  • Cosponsoring HR 1745, Developing Responsible Individuals for a Vibrant Economy, which will those under 21 years to be able to secure a Commercial Drivers' License; this will help those from high school pursue a career in trucking and logistics.
  • Voting against S. Con. Res 14, Build Back Better Act, which would increase inflation, reduce jobs, decrease economic competitiveness and growth, and increase the national deficit.
  • Cosponsoring HR 3095, Fair and Open Skies Act, which protects American jobs and upholds safety standards in the skies when dealing with foreign air carriers.
  • Cosponsoring HR 8069, the Reducing Farm Input Costs and Barriers to Domestic Production Act, which reverses harmful EPA regulations to crop protections tools and rescinds the SEC's harmful proposed rule on climate disclosures.

For more information concerning work and views related to Economy & Jobs, please contact our office.