Community Project Funding Requests and Associated Certifications

City of Venus, Texas

May 24, 2024

Proposed Recipient: City of Venus

Address of Recipient: 700 W US Highway 67, Venus, TX 76084

Amount of Request: $20,778

Project Description and Statement of Public Benefit: To purchase a Variable Message Speed Radar Trailer which would be used to help control speeding and for public communication of events and emergencies. In Johnson County, Texas, during 2022, there were 41 traffic fatalities. Speed-related incidents accounted for a significant portion of serious traffic accidents in the state, emphasizing the importance of initiatives aimed at managing and reducing speeds on the roads. Implementing a radar trailer in the City of Venus could serve as an effective tool to monitor and curtail speeding, potentially reducing the incidence of fatal and serious accidents on local highways.

Click here to read full letter.