Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On June 14th, the House passed H.R. 8070, the Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement and National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025. This legislation underscores House Republicans' commitment to bolstering national security, enhancing military readiness, and eliminating divisive ideologies from our armed forces.

“The primary responsibility of any government, whether local, state, or federal, is to protect its citizens," said Ellzey. "With the passing of the National Defense Authorization Act, we are ensuring that our military prioritizes the well-being and combat readiness of our troops, free from ideological teachings that hinder our defense capabilities. This bill demonstrates the effectiveness of responsible spending. The NDAA was designed for mission success. We have provided a pay raise for our service members and clearly signaled to our adversaries that our military remains robust, all while staying in line with our commitment made in the Fiscal Responsibility Act.”

 Key provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act:

  • Fully funds our national defense while cutting costs and improving efficiency
  • Authorizes a 19.5% pay raise for junior enlisted servicemembers and supports a 4.5% pay raise for all other servicemembers
  • Prohibits DoD from establishing or maintaining any office or committee that recommends or implements DEI policies at DoD schools
  • Prevents a military Green New Deal
  • Ensures the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter meets performance requirements
  • Fully funds deployment of National Guard troops at the southwest border
  • Fully funds modernization of the nuclear triad and invests in nuclear sea-launched cruise missiles.
  • Prevents Chinese espionage by prohibiting contracting with the subsidiaries of any Chinese civil-military companies to include any subsidiaries, the sharing of sensitive missile defense information with China, and Chinese nationals from being admitted to nuclear facilities.
  • Increases funding for innovative new technologies needed to deter the CCP, including hypersonics and AI.
